Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…I’ve been on a blogging hiatus because I have a recurring cold and am presently hooked on cough medicine which keeps me almost permanently drowsy.

I love Benylin with Codeine. It gives one such a pleasant, happy feeling. All is right with the world. I love Lagos.

Last year when I had to fly several times for work, it was a pleasant coincidence that I had a cough at the time and so had a bottle of Benylin with me. It suppressed those endless racking coughs, soothed my throat and, just by the way, (only as a fringe benefit) knocked me out so I wouldn’t have to experience the flight.

This year when the ‘rains’ began and my cough resurfaced, I decided to try another brand of cough mixture, worried about my increasing attachment to Benylin.

I took a bottle of Day Nurse to work to prevent me from coughing all over everyone in Marketing (and some in HR.)

“Non Drowsy!” the bottle proclaimed. Oh yeah? Then why did I fall asleep halfway up the stairs to the Finance dept?

I took Night Nurse in the evening and could barely get up the next morning. My sore throat was gone but so also was my energy. I felt heavy and drugged.

So I went back to Benylin. It tastes great, works instanta, promotes world peace (don’t worry, be happy, I am!) and is an essential item in my Fear of Flying toolkit.

I’ll return to complete the Brazil posts as soon as this pleasant haze lifts.

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